Gerald Gore Studios

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My Angels

When you close your eyes and picture an angel in your mind, what do you see? Do you see a very elegant being in a robe or a mighty warrior ready to remove any harm that may come your way? In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with either visual but I myself prefer the latter of the two. You see, I view angels as very powerful beings, I personally view them as warriors ready for battle!

To say that my angles are very unique is an understatement. I have searched all over the web ,and brick and mortar stores, and have never found another artist create anything like this.

I have been working on a sculpture of a new angel in my spare time and thought I would post some pics of where I am planning to take this sculpture. The attached picture is a mock-up of what my angel may look like once it is complete. My current sculpture does not have wings yet and is not painted. I have painted a picture of the sculpture and given him wings to give you a feel for the direction that I am taking this piece.

If you want to see more of my artwork you can view them at for viewing,Gerald

Halloween is almost here and I have been busy, busy, busy carving pumpkins this year. If you learn the right techniques you can carve some amazing designs with pumpkins. For example, you can take a photograph and create a pumpkin carving that looks just like it. Check out my pumpkin carving site for some great tips and tricks to making some amazing pumpkins. My pumpkin carving site is located at

Or you can get my Pumpkin Carving e-book with over 100 pages of instructions on how to create the most amazing pumpkins you have ever seen by clicking HERE.

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First of all I would like to welcome you to my blog. My name is Gerald Gore and I am a self-taught artist. The goal of this blog is to keep you informed with my latest works. You can also view some of my artwork by visiting my site at

Take care,